Poster created from a poem:
"Puddles" by Erin Hanson
Change came like a summer storm;
No warning, no reprieve,
Just a world so slightly shifted
Just a world so slightly shifted
When at last it made to leave.
And suddenly it seemed
You had to learn yourself anew,
And suddenly it seemed
You had to learn yourself anew,
That the sky inside your eyes
Appeared a darker shade of blue.
Like all at once you had forgotten
How you fit inside your skin,
For the storm had grabbed your soul
For the storm had grabbed your soul
And shaken everything within.
Until the things you thought you were
Until the things you thought you were
Settled like puddles after rain,
In which you felt your own reflection
In which you felt your own reflection
Would never look like you again.
Process work: started off with many variations but it was too literal to the actual poem and I didn't like the outcomes I was getting and decided to take different route (but kept the smokey imagery).

Below is the final version. I interpreted the poem to be talking about depression so I played with dark themes of questioning your own identity, emptiness, dark thoughts, sadness + even incorporated brain scans of a brain that's depressed. The bird is a symbolism of death, since suicide is a looming result of depression.

Other Variations: